Introducing, a multi-chain DEFI farming stats aggregator



A brief history

After becoming obsessed with DEFI yield farming this year, I realized there was a lot of money to made by watching for new farms to be deployed and getting in them early. I wrote about this on a reddit post: Doubling my money in 5 hours by monitoring new farms.

Cryptina Telegram alert
Telegram Alert from Cryptina

This led to the creation of Cryptina, a telegram and email alert system for new farms which as of now has >600 subscribers.

Cryptina watches over 100 masterchef contracts across 6 chains for new farms to be added and then sends alerts with useful info and links. Usually this happens when the farm still has $0 in liquidity, which means adding even $1 will yield 100% of the rewards!


As you can imagine, cryptina computes various useful stats for existing farms as it runs. We found ourselves querying our database to figure out which farms to invest in. This lead us to the realization of a major gap in the current state of DEFI tools; farm analysis and comparison.

There are plenty of great portfolio tracking sites like ApeBoard, YieldWatch, and to name a few we’ve used. However, we couldn’t seem to find somewhere to view multiple farm stats in one place, especially if you wanted to see them cross-chain.

ApeSwap stats on

Our initial aim is the be the analytics version of vfat is amazing for interacting with defi contracts, however, if you just want to know the APRs of the pools, then it’s not a really great experience.

Compare this to our tool on (pictured below).

ApeSwap stats on

Furthermore, say you only want to see ETH pairs on apeswap, and sort by APR, there’s no way to do that on vfat, but FarmersOnly has you covered!

What’s next?

We have some big goals and are currently looking into a few different DAPP use cases. Join our community for the latest updates.

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Main dev for Foxswap and Amatersu Finance